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- A drainage basin is land surface water from ;
melting snow
- The waters join another waterbody, such as;
river lake
reservoir estuary
wetland sea
- Drainage basin are called as;
Catchment Catchment area
Catchment basin Drainage area
River basin Water basin
- In closed drainage basins converges to a single point inside the basin.
- It become permanent lake, dry lake.
- It includes streams & rivers.
- The drainage basin acts as a funnel.
Largest river basins
- The Amazon basin
- The River Plate basin
- The Congo basin
- The Nile basin
- The Mississippi basin
Endorheic drainage basins
- Inland basins ,do not drain to ocean.
- Around 18% of all land drains to lakes, seas/sinks.
- The largest drains;
Caspian Sea
Aral Sea
Great Basin,United States
Okavango River (Kalahari Basin)
African Great Lakes
Catchment Factors
1. Topography
- Determines speed.
- Clearly rain falls in steep mountainous areas will reach the river faster than flat or gently sloping areas.
- Contribute speed .
- A long thin catchment will take longer to drain than a circular catchment.
- Determine amount of water reaching the river.
4.Soil type
- Determine how much water reaches the river.
- Certain soil types such as;
sandy soils
5.Land use
- Contribute to the volume of water reaching the river, in a similar way.