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- Cuesta derived from Spanish.
- Meaning is slope.
- It is a some kind of ridge.
- It formed by gently tilted.
- Sedimentary rock strata in a homoclinal structure.
- Cuestas have a steep slope.

- The rock layers are exposed on edges.
- It called as an escarpment.
- Usually an erosion rock layer has gentle slope.
- The other side of the ridge called a dip slope.
- The slope of a homoclinal ridge dips in the same direction.

- Two well-known cuestas in Onondaga escarpment and theNiagara escarpment are ;
1.Western New York
2.Southern Ontario
- The Gulf Coastal Plain,Texas is cuestas in parallel the coast
- The Reynosa Plateau is the most coast-ward cuesta
- Jurassic chalk White Horse Hills, United Kingdom
- Swabian Alb cuestas in Jurassic rock

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